Jumat, 12 Desember 2008



SAR, akronim dari Search and Rescue, adalah kegiatan dan usaha mencari, menolong, dan menyelamatkan jiwa manusia yang hilang atau dikhawatirkan hilang atau menghadapi bahaya dalam musibah-musibah seperti pelayaran, penerbangan, dan bencana. Istilah SAR telah digunakan secara internasional tak heran jika sudah sangat mendunia sehingga menjadi tidak asing bagi orang di belahan dunia manapun tidak terkecuali di Indonesia.

Operasi SAR dilaksanakan tidak hanya pada daerah dengan medan berat seperti di laut, hutan, gurun pasir, tapi juga dilaksanakan di daerah perkotaan. Operasi SAR seharusnya dilakuan oleh personal yang memiliki ketrampilan dan teknik untuk tidak membahayakan tim penolongnya sendiri maupun korbannya. Operasi SAR dilaksanakan terhadap musibah penerbangan seperti pesawat jatuh, mendarat darurat dan lain-lain, sementara pada musibah pelayaran bila terjadi kapal tenggelam, terbakar, tabrakan, kandas dan lain-lain. Demikian juga terhadal adanya musibah lainnya seperti kebakaran, gedung runtuh, kecelakaan kereta api dan lain-lain.

Terhadap musibah bencana alam, operasi SAR merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari siklus penanganan kedaruratan penanggulan bencana alam. Siklus tersebut terdiri dari pencegahan (mitigasi) , kesiagaan (preparedness), tanggap darurat (response) dan pemulihan (recovery), dimana operasi SAR merupakan bagian dari tindakan dalam tanggap darurat.

Di bidang pelayaran dan penerbangan, segala aspek yang melingkupinya termasuk masalah keselamatan dan keadaan bahaya, telah diatur oleh badan internasional IMO dan ICAO melalui konvensi internasional. Sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan operasi SAR, diterbitkan IAMSAR Manual yang merupakan pedoman bagi negara anggotanya dalam pelaksaan operasi SAR untuk pelayaran dan penerbangan. Untuk menyeragamkan tindakan agar dicapai suatu hasil yang maksimal maka digunakan suatu Sistem SAR (SAR Sistem) yang perlu dipahami bagi semua pihak terlibat. Dalam pelaksanaan operasi SAR melibatkan banyak pihak baik dari militer, kepolisian, aparat pemerintah, organisasi masyrakat dan lain-lainnya. Demikian juga sesuai dengan ketentuan IMO dan ICAO setiap negara wajib melaksanakan operasi SAR. Instansi yang bertanggung jawab di bidang SAR berbeda-beda untuk setiap negara sesuai dengan ketentuan berlaku di masing-masing negara, di Indonesia tugas tersebut diemban oleh Badan SAR Nasional (BASARNAS).

nah penjelasan tentang repeling adanya pake bahasanya britney spears lihat aja

Abseiling (German: abseilen, "to rope down"), rappelling in American English,[1] is the controlled descent down a rope in rock climbing, mountaineering, caving, and canyoneering; the technique is used when a cliff or slope is too steep and/or dangerous to descend without protection. Abseiling is used chiefly in British English, while other Anglophone countries use different terms.
Slang terms

Slang terms for the technique include: rapping or rap jumping (American slang), abbing (British slang for "abseiling"), jumping (Australian slang), roping down, roping, seiling (Australian slang), snapling (Israeli slang), rappling (Hindi slang).

[edit] History

The origin of the abseil is attributed[2] to Jean Estéril Charlet, a Chamonix guide who lived from 1840-1925. Charlet originally devised the technique of the abseil (or rappel) method of roping down during a failed solo attempt of Petit Dru in 1876. After many attempts, some of them solo, he managed to summit the Petit Dru in 1879 in the company of two other Chamonix guides, Prosper Payot and Frédéric Folliguet, whom he hired (a rather paradoxical move for a guide). During that ascent, Charlet perfected the abseil.


* Helmets are worn to protect the head from bumps and falling rocks. A light source may be mounted on the helmet in order to keep the hands free in unlit areas.
* Gloves protect hands from the rope and from hits with the wall. They are mainly used by recreational abseilers, industrial access practitioners, adventure racers and military as opposed to climbers or mountaineers. In fact, they can increase the risk of accident by becoming caught in the descender in certain situations.
* Boots or other sturdy footwear with good grips.
* Knee-pads (and sometimes elbow-pads) are popular in some applications for the protection of joints during crawls or hits.
* Ropes used for descending are typically of Kernmantle rope construction, with a multi-strand core protected by an abrasion-resistant woven sheath. For most applications, low-stretch rope (typically ~2% stretch when under the load of a typical bodyweight) called static rope is used to reduce bouncing and to allow easier ascending of the rope.
* A harness is used around the waist to secure the descender. A comfortable harness is important for descents that may take many hours.
* A descender or rappel device is a friction device or friction hitch that allows for rope to be paid out in a controlled fashion, under load, with a minimal effort by the person controlling it. The speed at which the rappeller descends is controlled by applying greater or lesser force on the rope below the device or altering the angle at which the rope exits the device. Descenders can be task-designed or improvised from other equipment:
o Mechanical descenders include braking bars, the figure eight, the abseil rack, the "bobbin" (and its self-locking variant the "stop"), the gold tail, and the "sky genie" used by some window-washers and wildfire firefighters.
o Some improvised descenders include the Munter hitch, a carabiner wrap, the basic crossed-carabiner brake and the piton bar brake (sometimes called the carabiner and piton). There is an older, more uncomfortable, method of wrapping the rope around one's body for friction, as in the Dulfersitz or Geneva methods used by climbers in the 1960s.

Pararescueman rappels from a helicopter during training exercise in Iraq.

Abseiling is used in a number of applications, including:

* Rock climbers returning to the base of a climb or to a point where they then try a new route.
* Recreational abseilers, who return to the top of the line by track, stairs or other methods and abseil again.
* Recreational canyoners, who travel down mountainous watercourses where waterfalls or cliffs may need to be descended and simply jumping is too dangerous or impossible.
* Recreational caving, where underground pitches are accessed using this method (Single Rope Technique).
* Adventure racers, whose events often including abseiling and other rope work.
* Industrial/Commercial workers, who use abseiling techniques to access parts of structures or buildings so as to perform maintenance, cleaning or construction. (eg window cleaners, railway scalers, quarry workers, etc.)
* Access to wildfires or wilderness rescue/paramedic operations by rapelling from a hovering helicopter.
* Confined spaces access, such as investigating ballast tanks and other areas of ships.
* Rescue applications, such as accessing injured people or accident sites (vehicle or aircraft) and extracting the casualty using abseiling techniques.
* Steeplejacking, as a replacement for bosun's chair.
* Military and police applications, such as entering a building through a window or hard to reach spaces via aircraft. This is a technique used by special forces and SWAT teams.

Abseiling can be a dangerous sport, and presents risks, especially to unsupervised or inexperienced climbers. Abseiling is, in fact, viewed by climbers as being more dangerous than climbing itself,[3] as the rope system is taking the weight of the practitioner constantly rather than only in the event of a fall. Moreover, a high percentage of mishaps classified as "climbing accidents" actually occur when abseiling.

Abseiling is prohibited or discouraged in some areas, due to the potential for rock erosion and/or conflict with climbers heading upward

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